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  • Kindness

  • Opportunity for all

  • Be yourself

  • Perseverance

  • Respect

  • Courage

  • Fun for all

  • Positivity

  • Fun for all

Welcome to Sheet Primary School

Our vision is a caring community where all children feel safe, respected and encouraged to develop their fullest potential.

Our aim is to ‘make a difference for every child’ and we constantly pursue opportunities to help children grow, be prepared for our grown-up world and believe anything is possible. 

This is a happy, successful and vibrant school with a wonderful energy to it. We offer pupils the opportunity to aspire to and achieve in a caring environment that nurtures talent and supports individual endeavour. Our dedicated and enthusiastic team of staff are committed to encouraging all our pupils to achieve to the best of their ability within a safe, secure and creative environment.

I truly believe that in order for a school to be successful, it must be a motivating, happy and safe place to be.  We encourage and nurture a strong sense of partnership between the school and the family and these things lie at the heart of children’s happiness and success at Sheet. We are proud of the values we hold most dear and the wonderful children who pass through our doors.

Please take your time to explore our website. We hope it provides you with an excellent overview of who we are and a taste for life at our school and then come and visit and see if Sheet Primary School is where you wish your child to belong - a warm welcome awaits.


Julie Robinson - Headteacher

Paper copies of information on this website can be provided if requested free of charge