Butser Hill Challenge

Ted, George & Lucy Rose took part in the Butser Hill Challenge on Sunday with Ted winning 1st place in the Year 4 Race.
Recount by Ted, year 4
On Sunday morning I at a protein bar. I left my house at 9 am with Frisbee (my dog), Bea and my mum. Next I collected my race number (487). I watched the year 3 race first (last year I won it!).
Next I lined up with the year 4s and overheard a boy who looked very fast say to his friend "I'm probably gonna come 1st or 2nd!"; a few minutes later he said "I'm going to splint the whole way". I thought, no just, no way! Then they started the race and the boy was definitely sprinting! I wasn't at the front when the air horn went off but I knew I had a pace myself.
The route was flat to start but then we all had to go up a massive hill and there was a girl who was way ahead in 1st and I was in 4th but then it got flat and it was easier to run. Then it became downhill. Now it was much easier to overtake, I was in 3rd. Then it was the complicated bit with loads of marshals saying to this way, to that way, to the next post but next it was all over and I had a clear run to the finish. I started sprinting and overtook 2nd at the very last minute I came first and won gold!
Please click here for more photos of the event