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1 Robins Year R/1

Welcome to Robins Class


Welcome back to Robins – spring term 2025. What fun lies ahead as we begin our topic all about Everyday Superheroes and People Who Help Us. This topic will see the children learning all about firefighters, the police, doctors and nurses, vets and many more! We shall be looking at a selection of both fiction and non-fiction books to support our learning about the topic, including Zog and the Flying Doctors, the Detective Dog, and A Superhero Like You and engaging in fun role play activities, plus using junk modelling to build our own fire engine models!

This half term also sees us learning about Chinese New Year and we will be having a go at making and tasting some Chinese food. This year is the year of the snake, which lends itself to some super Understanding the World learning and a chance to get our creative skills going! As we progress into the second half of the term our topic will be all about castles, what they looked like in the past and what they were used for, right through to looking at castles today. We also have the excitement of our annual bus trip into Petersfield to look forward to, where we will be looking at the features of our local town.

Just a couple of reminders that our PE Days are on Monday and Friday. It is important that your children come into school with everything they may need for the day; their reading folders, water bottles, as well as a coat and wellies for when the weather is cold or wet, as we do get outside every day, thank you.   

If you have any questions or queries, then please do pop in and say hello, our door is always open and you would be very welcome!

Many Thanks

The Robins Team