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2 Kingfishers Year 1/2

Welcome to Kingfisher Class

This term we are starting our English learning journey with absolutely disgusting sandwiches, using the story Disgusting Sandwiches by Gareth Edwards. We shall design, advertise and market our disgusting sandwiches and write careful instructions on how to make them, yum! We shall be reading The Queen's Nose by Dick King Smith learning about riddles along the way.

Our history delves into our English Kings and Queens, looking at the role of a monarch and making good decisions as rulers and leaders.  After half term we shall be investigating castles; why, how and when castles were built and why they are situated in the places they are. We shall be off to Windsor Castle at the end of February to cement our learning and see first hand the magnificent working castle.

PE days continue to be Monday and Friday. Please make sure children are wearing correct school PE kit, no logos please. 

We try hard to go out to play in the fresh air in all weathers, so please make sure your child has a coat whilst it is so cold.

Homework comes home on Friday and should be completed and brought back by Wednesday the following week.

Guided reading (Little Wandle) days are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Remember to read five times per week to gain your stickers!    


Kingfishers is taught by Mrs Child, and Mrs Newton on a Thursday. Mrs Nicholls is our class LSA as well as Mrs Thirkeld who is our 1:1 support assistant during the mornings.

Our door is always open. If you have any questions, concerns or queries please just pop-in, we’d be delighted to see you :)

Mrs Child